
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Missions is an important part of the local church.  Cross Connection believes that as we reach out, help meet the needs of other’s lives, and provide assistance to those ministering in other countries, God will take care of the local body’s needs.

Current Missions

Cross Connection is partnered with a number of excellent ministries and missionaries that offer hope and help to those in need around the world. 
During the Holiday Season we help provide needed resources to The Oasis ministry based in Kingsport. The Oasis is a women’s ministry that offers a nurturing environment, sharing the love of Christ and the truth of his word with disadvantaged women from all walks of life, backgrounds, cultures, and economic means.
Red and Marina Fraser have felt the burden of the Lord to raise funds to support Mission work. With this burden, they began a Missions Bake Sale ministry. They bake various cookies, breads and other delicious desserts that are sold at the Kingsport Farmer’s Market on Saturday’s during the summer and fall months. All proceeds go directly to Missions.  They began this ministry in 2008.